Tuesday, April 06, 2004

What to do? What to say?

"I am paralyzed by indecision."

I feel exactly that way. Choosing a grad school is a big decision.

I disagree with James M. who basically said, "its no big deal". But it is! Especially for an experimentalist! While the theorist will just gain tools on how to work in physics, the experimentalist becomes highly specialized over the years of grad school as you do pick up some general knowledge, but you gain a lot of knowledge in your field. BEC knowledge can be partially applied to quantum computing--like how my knowledge of vacuum pumps helps me with other pursuits-- but cannot be transferred completely. Grad school is huge.

So which one is it? Colorado (work with Cornell hopefully), Michigan (easy qual and interesting quantum computing plus Monroe), Washington (best facilities of all but AMO program is dying) or Illinois (BFE).

Thoughts, anyone?


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