My own take on Kill Bill Volume 2
Some people watch movies to gain insight into life and to deepen their understanding. If you're one of these people, then you will not enjoy Kill Bill Volume 2 (see Vacuum Energy for this take).
However, for the most part, if you're the gore loving person, then you will probably not enjoy this movie either. Most of the gore from the first volume is lost in this movie with the poignant exception of one scene in which you get to see how Elle lost her first eye, firsthand and then see it done again (if you didn't get that, I recommend watching the movie, if that made you want to retch, stay away).
The tying up of loose ends, I think, helps this movie. Whereas the first one lacked plot, this one more than made up for it, although, it does use an ex deux machina to get out of a lot of problems and to get to the end quickly. In fact, the climactic battle, was in fact, anticlimactic, but helped to let David Carradine make a dignified exit, which, in my view, was entirely appropriate for his character.
All in all, if you're the casual moviegoer, wanting to escape reality for awhile, I recommend this movie and would give it a rating of:
Plot 1/2
Cinematography 2/2
Acting 1.5/2 (Uma Thurman and David Carradine score almost all of the points here, though Daryl Hannah also turned in a good performance, I particularly enjoyed how she was able to portray her character as cold and heartless by reading about the Black Mamba snake to a dying Budd. I thought the information was interesting and helped to get the audience to despise her character. IT WAS NOT WORTHLESS)
Enjoyability 2.5/4 (The loss of the 1.5 point comes from the one truly gruesome scene of the movie)
Total: 7/10
"You have to do some things for enjoyment, if you are doing something and you don't like it, ask yourself 'Why am I doing this?' If you cannot come up with a good reason, then WHY ARE YOU DOING IT?"