Friday, January 23, 2004


I just saw the latest commercial and they bring in William Shatner and tell him they're letting him go. And he goes "Who are you going to get to replace me?" and says this supremely confident and then the door open and Leonard Nimoy comes in and goes "Hi, Bill" and he goes "Hi, Leonard." and then does a double take. hehe

In other places...

Starting tonight, we're keeping track of who is doing well in Guillotine. The stats after 3 games are with 3 points for 1st, 2 pts for 2nd and 1 pt for 3rd with ties getting 2.5 and 1.5 for ties in first and second respectively:
Scott- 7.5 points
Joe- 5.5 points
Emily- 5 points

It's nail biting excitement, stay tuned to find out who will win the Vidali Lab Guillotine Championship (must stop getting such large early leads cause then I get ganged up upon). I still will not participate in random choices.

We get weird looks from the people who go into Starbucks but whateva...

Joe came out to 42.857% Nerd. HAHA! He believes that you're only a nerd if you think you are one. Completely wrong there.

Now going off to defend my AFC Championship.

"We.. We...mean you no harm." - Joe's impression of William Shatner


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